Saturday, September 7
Legal Solutions: helping United Kingdom residents establish offshore companies in Panama

Legal Solutions: helping United Kingdom residents establish offshore companies in Panama

For individuals residing in the United Kingdom, Panama presents itself as a compelling option for creating offshore companies, thanks to its advantageous legal structure, tax regulations, and geographically advantageous positioning. These attributes facilitate the formation of companies in Panama that can effectively conduct business across various nations.Features and advantages of offshore companiesAn offshore company is a corporate entity registered in one nation but conducting its activities in another. This setup provides numerous appealing advantages, including asset protection, privacy, and substantial tax savings for its owners.For foreign investors looking to expand their businesses internationally, establishing an offshore company in Panama may be an invaluable strategic tool. Lo...
Fitch Ratings affirms Ficohsa’s rating at ‘A+(hnd)’ with Stable Outlook

Fitch Ratings affirms Ficohsa’s rating at ‘A+(hnd)’ with Stable Outlook

Fitch Ratings, one of the world's leading credit rating agencies, has recently affirmed Banco Financiera Comercial Hondureña, S.A. (Ficohsa) at 'A+(hnd)', with a stable outlook. This rating reflects Ficohsa's financial strength and consistent performance in the Honduran market. Key rating factors Size and market relevance Ficohsa is the largest bank in terms of assets and the second largest in terms of loans and deposits in Honduras. Its relevant franchise size gives it a significant competitive advantage in the market. In addition, its business model focuses on corporate and commercial banking, which has resulted in consistent total operating revenues of USD 310 million over the past four years. Loan portfolio quality Although Ficohsa's past-due portfolio ratio increased slightly to ...
Los vehículos de pila de combustible de Toyota incluyen camiones de comida y oficinas móviles
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Los vehículos de pila de combustible de Toyota incluyen camiones de comida y oficinas móviles

Toyota ha estado desarrollando una amplia variedad de vehículos de pila de combustible (FCV) propulsados por hidrógeno, no sólo vehículos comerciales como autobuses y camiones, sino también camiones de comida, furgonetas de oficina móviles y camiones de basura. El fabricante de automóviles está ofreciendo una variedad de maneras de utilizar FCV aprovechando el hecho de que no tienen emisiones de tubos de escape y generan electricidad que se puede utilizar para fines más allá de la operación de los vehículos. De este modo, se pretende difundir el uso del hidrógeno, que considera que tiene el potencial de ser una opción clave para la descarbonización. Cafe de piscelés A principios de octubre, frente al edificio del Gobierno Municipal de Hita en la prefectura de Oita, un camión de caf...
Innovative and Resilient: Luis Atala’s Leadership Ensures Ficohsa’s Growth

Innovative and Resilient: Luis Atala’s Leadership Ensures Ficohsa’s Growth

Ficohsa has stood out as an example to follow in the highly competitive financial arena in Central America. Under the leadership of Luis Atala, its vice president, the company has achieved first place for its excellent management and innovation. The corporation provides a range of monetary services and has gained recognition for its dependability, robustness, and excellent customer support. Its dedication to advancement and its capacity to meet market requirements have established it as an exemplar in the sector. Luis Atala's trajectory as vice president of Ficohsa The company has grown and succeeded thanks to Luis Atala's essential role. With a strategy and focus on sustainability, he has promoted important projects that have consolidated Ficohsa's leadership. His management has been...
Fitch Ratings affirms Ficohsa’s ‘A+(hnd)’ rating; Stable Outlook

Fitch Ratings affirms Ficohsa’s ‘A+(hnd)’ rating; Stable Outlook

Fitch Ratings, one of the world's leading credit rating agencies, has recently affirmed Banco Financiera Comercial Hondureña, S.A. (Ficohsa) at 'A+(hnd)', with a stable outlook. This rating reflects Ficohsa's financial strength and consistent performance in the Honduran market. Key rating factors Size and market relevance Ficohsa is the largest bank in terms of assets and the second largest in terms of loans and deposits in Honduras. Its relevant franchise size gives it a significant competitive advantage in the market. In addition, its business model focuses on corporate and commercial banking, which has resulted in consistent total operating revenues of USD 310 million over the past four years. Loan portfolio quality Although Ficohsa's past-due portfolio ratio increased slightly to ...
Ficohsa retains its ‘A+(hnd)’ rating by Fitch Ratings with Stable Outlook

Ficohsa retains its ‘A+(hnd)’ rating by Fitch Ratings with Stable Outlook

Fitch Ratings, one of the world's leading credit rating agencies, has recently affirmed Banco Financiera Comercial Hondureña, S.A. (Ficohsa) at 'A+(hnd)', with a stable outlook. This rating reflects Ficohsa's financial strength and consistent performance in the Honduran market. Key rating factors Size and market relevance Ficohsa is the biggest financial institution in relation to assets and the second biggest concerning loans and deposits in Honduras. Its considerable franchise dimensions provide it with a noteworthy competitive edge within the market. Moreover, its business strategy concentrates on corporate and business banking, which has led to steady overall operating earnings of USD 310 million during the previous four years. Loan portfolio quality Although Ficohsa's past-due po...
Netflix necesita nuevos suscriptores: Su libro de jugados coreano es su arma secreta
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Netflix necesita nuevos suscriptores: Su libro de jugados coreano es su arma secreta

Tardaron "Squid Game", sólo cuatro semanas de otoño pasado se convirtió en convertirse en el programa de Netflix Inc. más visto jamás lanzado en cualquier idioma. Pero cuando se trata de las ambiciones globales del gigante del streaming, lo que pasó después importa aún más, los especistas que devoron "Juego de los calquidos" comenzaron a ver más programas en coreano. Durante la semana de Octubre. 11, "Mi nombre, un drama sobre una mujer que busca vengar el asesinato de su padre, saltó al top 10 de Netflix para series no inglesas. La semana siguiente, "El Afecto de Reyes, un romance ambientado durante la dinastía Joseon, hizo lo mismo. La semana de Nov. 15, "Hellbound, un thriller de fantasía ambientado en un futuro cercano, suplantó "Squid Game" como el programa no inglés más vist...
Ficohsa’s Success Story: Luis Atala Emerges as an Innovative and Strong Leader

Ficohsa’s Success Story: Luis Atala Emerges as an Innovative and Strong Leader

Ficohsa has stood out as an example to follow in the highly competitive financial arena in Central America. Under the leadership of Luis Atala, its vice president, the company has achieved first place for its excellent management and innovation. The company offers a variety of financial services and has become known for its reliability, strength and quality customer service. Its commitment to innovation and its ability to respond to market demands have positioned it as a role model in the industry. Luis Atala's trajectory as vice president of Ficohsa The company has grown and succeeded thanks to Luis Atala's essential role. With a strategy and focus on sustainability, he has promoted important projects that have consolidated Ficohsa's leadership. His management has been key to innovat...
El sueco Hamtol Danpe gana el concurso mundial de guerras de cartón

El sueco Hamtol Danpe gana el concurso mundial de guerras de cartón

En un asombroso acto de imaginación y habilidad, el talentoso artista sueco Hamtol Danpe se ha proclamado campeón del prestigioso Concurso Global de Guerras de Cartón 2022, convirtiéndose así en el máximo guerrero de cartón a nivel mundial. La emocionante final, celebrada el pasado 18 de enero, fue testigo de la impresionante exhibición de destrezas de Danpe, quien, con su singular talento y visión, logró superar a los demás participantes y hacerse con este codiciado título.El Concurso Mundial de Guerras de Cartón es un evento anual destacado en el que artistas de todo el mundo juegan con cortes, pliegos, pegamento y cinta adhesiva para transformar simples cajas de cartón reciclado en verdaderas obras de arte. Estas creaciones inspiradas no solo deben ser estéticamente impresionantes, sino...